I drew the owls based on an owl I found online somewhere. I wanted to do a turquoise background so I used a glue runner to adhere the khaki card stock to the turquoise.
Kraft policy envelopes. I wrapped the address label around the side for some cute character.
Something I learned the hard way: These were 2 stamps/ea. I didn't know this until I got a few back "postage due" after sending them off...UGH. When I took them to the post office to find out what the dealio was she told me they couldn't put them in the reader with the address label wrapped and the twine closure.
And here are some pics from the party!
The cakes
The "it's a boy" banner I made that morning...procrastinator...and the food table.
The baby mama and me
Me, Jessie, my mom, and Brandye
Little Shane :)
Brandye and the boys
hope your weekend is fantastic :)