Saturday, June 2, 2012

Birthday, Powered Parachute Ride, & Nail Stamping!

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today was my 26th birthday. Mixed feelings. We (Bryson and I) went to Dallas last night for his birthday present that kept getting rescheduled because of bad weather. 8:30 am we arrived at Future Flight for his *surprise* birthday gift...a flight on a powered parachute! He is obsessed with flying so this was perfect. While the instructor was setting up he asked if we'd like to split the flight (it was an hour flight but we could split it 30 min/person). So we did! Bryson went first...

Then it was my turn!

It was amazing!!! 1000ft up. Sooo much fun. If you get a chance to take a tour like one of it.

In other news, my mom got me a bunch of plates for nail stamping! I've never tried it before but it's pretty cool. She got me a giant thing of nail polish (it "requires" nail stamping nail polish), along with 17 plates, the stamper, and scraper. Really all you need is the stamper and plates. You could use regular nail polish and an old credit card for a scraper. Here's my first try:

You'll need your nails already painted and **DRY**

Paint the stamp you want to really don't need too much, just enough to cover the entire stamp.

Scrap the excess paint off the plate with the scraper.

Firmly press the stamper against the plate...I went right to left as evenly as possible. You'll see the art on the stamp.

Stamp the art onto your nail, just like when you transferred the art to the stamp. And then of course, TOP COAT! My fav is Seche Vite. Dries in like 10 min.

*You'll need to transfer from the plate to the stamper to the nail quickly because the polish dries pretty fast.

Here's another one I did:


Good way to start my 26th year :)


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